Three children was one too many, she thought. She only wanted two, but her husband still felt that it was too soon, so she was still on the pill. Every time she took the pill, it felt like another tick of the clock, and she was closer and closer to becoming barren. But she respected his wishes and didn't want to pressure him into something that he didn't want.
Besides, at this point, she had to focus on saving money so she could eventually open her own salon. First though, she would have to go to the doctor and take care of the sinus infection so she could be more focused on work, which was miserable standing in her kitten heels as her head throbbed and all she wanted to do was lie down with menthol rub underneath her nose and a warm washcloth on her forehead. Thank God tomorrow was her day off.
She drove home that night and her husband, Michael, cooked dinner for her. He cared deeply about her and after her bath, he massaged her back and feet. They went to bed, and the next morning, Julia took her birth control pill dutifully and headed to the clinic. After filling her prescription, she took the antibiotic, kicked off her kitten heel shoes, and went back to sleep.
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