It struck her as odd that this year was to be different. Her birthday was two days before Christmas, and she had passed her driving test. But her parents would not get her a car, even though her mother, Veronica, had told her husband that she couldn't keep driving her around to all the ballet practices and rehearsals for one more year. Vivienne was crushed.
"Mom, seriously, I'm sixteen," she whined.
"I don't want to hear it again," Victoria said on her daughter's birthday as she was baking pecan pies and dreading Christmas in general. Her husband had recently gotten a promotion and had to work Christmas Eve, leaving Victoria, a schoolteacher, alone with the kids over the majority of Christmas break.
"But Mom!"
"NO. You are not getting a new car no matter how much you whine, end of discussion."
Vivienne called her friend Jess and whined about how much she wanted that little baby blue mustang she saw at the dealership back when her dad was contemplating the purchase of a new car. Jess said that all parents suck and she should be thankful that hers weren't divorced. Vivienne invited Jess to walk over to her house, which was in the same gated community. Jess and Vivienne threw themselves out into the 3 ft. drifts of snow, making snow angels and throwing snowballs like they did five years earlier when school had been cancelled. For one moment, Vivienne forgot all about the car.